Category: General
Welcome back!
After the Jubilee celebrations of the weekend, we welcome our pupils and teachers back to the new term. We pray this will be a term filled with joy and learning and that our parish community will ever grow in faith and love.
Along with other local Christian churches the parish supports our local foodbank and the generous weekly contributions made by parishioners help local families in crisis.
We need lots of food items. Many families with children who normally receive free school meals, have to find extra help during the school holidays so that the children can have proper food. That involves our foodbank being under more pressure. Whatever you can give us to help will be a real godsend.
Welcome to the website!
It might have taken quite some time in the planning stage but it is great to be able to announce that the parish website is finally up and running. We are really excited to be able to have this ready for you all and look forward to receiving your feedback.